Despite having a formal job, 10 million workers live in poverty

These people are unable to adequately support their families. Credits: Darkroom

In Mexico, of the more than 21 million formal workers registered with the IMSS, 45%, or nearly 10 million people with formal employment, have precarious wages that do not allow them to exceed the poverty line, did he declare. Rogelio Gomez Hermosillo, coordinator of Citizen action against poverty.

During the presentation of the report “Precariousness invades formalism”, he explained that with figures from the IMSS”9 million 548,000 people with formal work cannot even buy two basic baskets because their salary is less than 8,000,467 pesos per month.”

What is relevant, he says, is people with formal jobs: 213,000 employees earn the minimum wage of 6,210 pesos; 4 million 710 thousand workers earn less than the minimum wage or the equivalent of only 1.5 basic baskets, or between 5 thousand 400 and 6 thousand 320 pesos per month.

In addition, 4 million 675 thousand people with formal employment earn “a little more” than 1.5 and less and less than 2 basic baskets, which represents 8 thousand 467 pesos, he revealed.

The most surprising thing about the investigation, told Roguelio Gomezis that even if proportionally there are more poorly paid people working in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), the reality is that 53%, that is more than half of the people on precarious wages who live in poverty and cannot even support another person, work in medium and large companies.

He rejected that the Reform Workforce and agreed benefits such as holidays or better wages, are an excessive burden on employers, on the contrary, “companies must stop being poverty factories”.

According to him, “Companies that cannot meet decent work standards do not deserve to survive. Well, we got used to the fact that competitiveness or profit was based on low wages and 6 days vacation. And the companies shouldn’t complain because they still have to pay overtime because there are a lot of people who work more than 48 hours, but since they earn more than 20,000 pesos “well” they don’t don’t pay overtime and that’s an abuse”.

Now the important thing is that – he said – “competitiveness cannot be based on low wages”, he also recalled that Big Companies can pay better wages and days off because in Mexico profit or profit levels are very high.

If not, suffice it to say that “Mexico has some of the lowest amounts of compensation, not just salaries, but benefits, like what was just approved for vacations, in the world “. OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development),” he reiterated.

And the weight of remuneration in the economy is much lower compared not only to developed countries like State Joined, Canada our trading partners, or countries in Europe, but also with countries in the region such as Chili That is Brazilit doesn’t compare.”

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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