Marseille begins to banish its colonial memory

Algerian gunners, including Ahmed Littim, paid a heavy price for the liberation of Marseille (here, during a victory parade, August 29, 1944).

“The name of the hero to replace the name of the executioner. » On Thursday, November 10, under the summer sun and in front of young schoolchildren sitting silently at his feet, the Mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan (DVG), officially renamed the Bugeaud school to honor the unknown corporal. Ahmad Litim. The symbol is clear, spelled out in both lyrical and unequivocal discourse.

On the one hand, a reminder of the crimes of Thomas Bougot, the Marshal of France, the colonizer of Algeria, who could take his scorched earth policy from the rostrum of the National Assembly and smoke thousands of people in caves. Dahra Valley to break the resistance. On the other hand, the sacrifice of a soldier over 20 years of age who arrived with the troops of General de Montsbert, who fell hand in hand on August 25, 1944, while trying to liberate the Notre Dame. Guards of the Nazi Occupiers. “For a nation to be great, it must look to its history to understand” claims the 44-year-old councilor after unveiling a new plaque affixed to the school’s gate.

Eighteen months after the resolution was voted on, the municipality has done a lot. Ahmed Littim’s sepia military pamphlet, printed on a large panel, stands in the middle of the courtyard. Explanatory texts recall his commitment and that of the Algerian, Moroccan or Senegalese skirmish regiments in the liberation of Marseilles… these 3e The neighborhood, one of the city’s poorest areas, has welcomed in turn Italian, Armenian and now African immigration, the message said. In a small assembly, the Algerian consul in Marseille welcomes “ A very positive influence “.

Ahmed Litim Military Booklet.

“Here, as in the country, everyone knows the bloodthirsty past of Bugo. Being called an Algerian balances everything out.” Diplomat slips. A few steps away, the four-star hat of General Pascal Facon, the military governor of Marseilles and the boss of the southern zone, hung on his head. “I am here because we honor the memory of a young soldier of freedom who died for France.” explains the man who led the Barkhane operation in the Sahel. As for the downgrading of Marshal Bougou, the soldier, who has invested a lot in social solidarity actions since his arrival in Marseille, does not want to comment on it.

Release of the “Colonial Marseille Guide”.

The need to re-read the city’s colonial history, which chronicler Albert Londres called “South Gate” It is in accordance with the times. As in Paris, Bordeaux, Soissons and Rouen, Editions Syllepse, here associated with the building of Editions Transit La Courte Echelle, has recently published. A Guide to Colonial Marseilles. The 226-page book was written by about ten anti-racist activists who criss-crossed the city for months.

Source: Le Monde

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