Mercury in conjunction: The 3 unlucky zodiac signs when it comes to love and money

Zodiac signs bring bad luck during this season. PHOTO: Freepik

During the month of September, various astronomical phenomena have been experienced which have direct effects on each of the signs of the zodiac, in particular with the arrival of the season of Virgo and Mercury retrograde, which represents the opportunity to decide on personal matters that can leave a really big impact. growth or learning.

Now comes a new phenomenon which will have both positive and negative consequences for all the signs of the zodiac; It is Mercury in lower solar conjunction, which astronomically refers to a movement where the Sun is in the middle of the Earth and Mercury, which will take place on the night of this September 23 and at dawn and in the morning of September 24.

Mercury in conjunction

It should be noted that experts in the matter recommend to appreciate this phenomenon with caution, because the Sun will orbit very close to Mercury, which means that objects such as telescopes should not be brought close to the Sun because it can damage your eyesight.

On the other hand, it must be remembered that the signs are attributed according to their date of birth; They are 12 in number according to the traditional zodiac, where the order is as follows: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces, which correspond to the elements water, earth, fire and aerial.

the unluckiest

  • One of the most unlucky signs will be Pisces, who must take into account each of their decisions, because out of pride they could take one of the most radical and it will harm them in the future; During this streak, you may feel sorry for your actions towards the people who love you, but if you don’t let go of your pride, you simply won’t be able to move on.
  • Another of the most affected signs will be Gemini, who will have many doubts and uncertainties about the true course of their life; In addition, when it comes to money, you will be in trouble, but you must avoid resorting to a loan from friends or family at all costs, because they will claim you and put pressure on you later.
  • And finally, the sign of Aries will have a streak of bad luck this season, as they haven’t been able to get their feet on the ground about everything they’re going through in terms of love, but at the the moment they do so, they will feel their emotions fracture completely; One who is ruled by the element of fire must pay close attention to what he feels and no longer repress it.

They love solitude! The 2 zodiac signs that prefer to be away from others


Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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