Why do we age? That’s what science says

Although considered a natural process, aging can be delayed.Credits: Pexels

To get old It’s natural. In all cultures, the so-called cycle of life has always been accepted in a relatively organic way: we are born, we grow, we reproduce, we age and we die.

However, the process by which humans age remains a mystery, even to scientists. In fact, according to the Health services in the United Kingdomthere are at least 300 theories on this subject.

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Studies have determined certain factors common to human aging: at least it depends on intrinsic factors, that is, due to natural wear and tear body and extrinsic, which have to do with the choices we make.

So far, scientists emphasize that it is practically impossible to completely stop the processes that lead to aging of the body but, at the same time, certain factors are in our hands to live better.

How do humans age?

Apparently our aging It depends on the cells. According to a study carried out by the Max Planck Institute, over time our cells lose the ability to divide and regenerate, accumulating irreversible damage at the cellular level.

At a higher level, this cellular damage This causes a progressive natural wear and tear of the tissues of our internal organs. The third factor pointed out by the researchers is linked to the degradation of our immune system, which little by little becomes somewhat “blind”, attacking good cells and not just infections.

Other factors have to do with the telomeres, small particles located at the end of DNA chains that function in the same way as lace guards, preventing wear and tear on the precious chains. But over time, these disappear, leaving the genetic material powerless.

Genetic predisposition has an important value in the aging, particularly in the appearance of hereditary diseases which accelerate the normal wear and tear of the body. And the loss of mental functions is also directly associated with the wear and tear of cells and neurotransmitters.

The most important thing, according to researchers, is that there are factors that depend on us. For example, the appearance of wrinkles, which is one of the most common symptoms of aging, is closely linked to UV exposure. While we normally lose 1% of our ability to produce collagen by the age of 20, this damage is multiplied exponentially for those who work under the sun’s rays.

Smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and even having a very unbalanced diet, with a high consumption of processed foods, can damage your cells and accelerate aging. Avoiding these behaviors is the key to slowing down this natural effect.

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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