Mhoni Vidente horoscopes for TODAY December 21, health, money and love predictions

Find out what the stars have in store for you. Credits: El Heraldo de México

The Cuban medium Mhoni Vidente has for you the best predictions of the horoscopes of this Thursday 21 December. Find out what predictions he has for you on health, money and love.

Check how your weekend will go according to your horoscope


Your partner expects you to show signs of understanding and commitment, demonstrating that you understand their needs. It is crucial that you commit and demonstrate that you are in a process of change.

Organize your accounting, currently in chaos. Establishing a clear flow of income and expenses will provide you with the necessary control over your assets. Do it without delay or excuse.

Reduce cell phone use, as it creates barriers between you and others, affecting your eyes and concentration. Spend the day putting your phone down, enjoying life, and connecting directly with people.


Speaking louder doesn’t make you right. Confusing volume with intelligence only makes you stronger, but not more skillful or more precise. Recognize when you are wrong and avoid falling into the trap of believing that volume gives you authority.

Don’t feel inferior in the face of powerful competition. Even if your rival has more resources and experience, remember that you are the new thing in your industry and are unbeatable early in your career.

Today is a good time to think about the things that are bothering you, including anxiety in personal relationships. Overcome this fear by interacting and mixing with others, eliminating the anxiety they cause.


In a relationship, it is essential not to give in to routine, because it threatens with surprising moments. Resisting conformity to societal expectations preserves the spark of romance and vitality that drives us. Every day we settle down, we slowly extinguish the flame of love and life itself.

Today is a good time to evaluate each team member’s contributions to your project. Recognize and value each effort, demonstrating that your contribution was exceptional. The time has come for fairness in pay.

Avoid overuse of substances or foods, as these actions cause invisible damage that will eventually be revealed. Discipline is essential to maintaining a healthy and orderly body.


When you make decisions about your job or education, do it for yourself, without feeling selfish. Your personal growth benefits the relationship and your partner. What you invest in yourself will benefit both of you.

This season is conducive to progress, provided you do not neglect your responsibilities and do not squander your earnings on parties. Invest in your growth to face bigger challenges.

Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re overdoing your self-care. No worry is too much, so stay committed to your well-being and ignore careless criticism.


Today is an opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings that may have caused discord between you. Resolving small issues immediately prevents them from growing and threatening the love you share.

To achieve a committed and effective team, it is essential that each member shares a common cause. Establishing a mission and vision that everyone can embrace will strengthen team unity.

Put aside your pride and follow medical or specialist recommendations. Sometimes professional help is necessary to take advantage of the tools available for healing.


Today is perfect for rediscovering the sensuality that the rhythm of life has left in the background. Love is renewed through simple gestures, like a kiss. Take a moment to look into your eyes and relive the spark that made you fall in love.

Patience will be rewarded in your financial journey. Don’t despair or rush things, because everything you have invested will multiply over time. Persevere and maintain your dedication.

Take care of your ears, an essential part of your body. Avoid loud music and protect your hearing when working in noisy environments. Also maintain good hygiene and be careful when swimming or showering to avoid damage.


Avoid spying on your loved one, as lack of trust is a betrayal that must be avoided at all costs. Over time, you will understand that your fears were unfounded. Respect your partner’s privacy and wait for the right time to share what’s going on.

In days like today, problems can be magnified, leading you to make hasty and wrong decisions. Let the passion of the moment dissipate to make more informed decisions. Avoid acting impulsively today.

Seek emotional support, words of encouragement, and advice from the people around you. Getting away from those who make you feel alone is crucial. Good teachers are rare and it is easy to confuse them with bad ones.


Today your patience will be tested as your partner will reconnect with an ex-partner. Do not interfere, as this process is part of your partner’s emotional closure and can ultimately benefit the relationship.

Delegate minor responsibilities to other members of your team so you can focus on expanding and new business goals. Promote your strategic role as essential to the success of the company. Don’t underestimate yourself.

Words can be hurtful, especially when expressed irresponsibly. Today you might face unfair criticism which will affect your mood. Remember that the weight of words rests on the dignity of the person who says them and, in this case, they should not affect you.


When a relationship becomes routine, it deteriorates. Today, it’s time to revitalize your connection with your partner, tearing down the walls you’ve built around your heart. Start the day with a hug to restore communication and affection.

Use the day to plan new goals and areas for growth. Prepare for a period of growth, but remember that successful growth requires a plan. Define how far you want to go and in which areas you can be more productive.

Set realistic limits for yourself. Don’t demand the impossible from yourself, as you may reach a point of exhaustion. Take care of your body by recognizing its limits and keeping it in shape according to its possibilities.


In relationships, it is essential to discuss the management of property and assets. Take the time to discuss how to handle these issues, especially if you have concerns about the length of the partnership. Making decisions together, such as owning one estate or maintaining two, is crucial.

Despite the challenges around you, stay calm. Your world will not collapse and you will be able to continue to grow and develop. Have confidence in yourself, move forward with confidence and don’t get distracted or go back. You will prevail.

The essence you carry within you, this light that no one can extinguish, defines you. Stay firm in the face of changes and the people around you. Don’t feel threatened by the trends around you; You are strong and firm in your beliefs.


Today, overcome personal pride and avoid unnecessary arguments. Spare the blame and let love take its course. It is better to forget some disagreements to maintain harmony in the relationship.

Don’t sacrifice your health for a few extra hours of work. Rest and disconnection are essential for long-term productivity. Overworking yourself is detrimental to your future well-being. Learn to say no and prioritize your health.

Repressed emotions are about to be released. Let go of memories and emotional burdens. Forgive, forget and let go of what weighs you down to move forward.


Today, demonstrate through actions rather than empty promises. It’s time to show your partner that you are willing to commit and put in the necessary effort.

Claim the recognition you deserve for your efforts and achievements. Be humble, but don’t hesitate to highlight what is rightfully yours. Don’t let others take credit for your hard work.

Do not harbor resentments without expressing them, as the accumulation of negativity can turn into resentment. Practice the art of timing by reaching out to those who deserve it at the right time. You will experience a significant change.

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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