Mhoni Vidente horoscopes for the week of December 18 to 22; love, health and money predictions

The Cuban medium Mhoni Vidente has for you the best predictions of the horoscopes of this week which goes from 18 to 22 December. Find out what predictions he has for you on health, money and love.

Check how your weekend will go according to your horoscope


In the love sphere, it is essential that you move forward in projects that allow you to grow and have more confidence in yourself. This will prevent you from feeling behind your partner and casting unfair shadows on them. If at any point you have needed to work two jobs, now is the time to make a decision. Two activities can begin to interfere with each other, and it is crucial to choose just one task and devote all your passion to it.

Today is the perfect time to take a step forward and break away from the past. Perform a small symbolic ritual, choose a photo that represents the best of yesterday, take it in your hands and sincerely say “goodbye”.


In your house, silence has prevailed lately, and it is time to return to joy and celebration. This day is ideal for rekindling the magic and surprising yourself. Don’t let apathy threaten your relationship. We need to find enthusiasm again and enjoy together.

In the workplace, it’s time to improve your brands and exceed the goals you set for yourself. Leave the excuses behind and focus on overcoming yourself. You are your own rival, so aim for a new career level with determination.

Healing takes time and it is important not to rush the process. Be patient with yourself because the body heals before the mind and the mind needs its time. No emergency; decide when things will be resolved.


In love, spontaneous details without expectations are those that matter the most. Surprise your partner with unexpected gestures and enjoy their lasting effects. Free yourself from worries today, you have already given what is necessary, and the machine will continue its course. Contemplate the extent of your talent and follow this same path.

Today, spend some time working on your breathing. Mindful breathing is a powerful tool for managing stress. By paying attention to your breathing, you become aware of your body and its life force. Take a deep breath, hold it, and exhale to release tension.


In the love sphere, it is essential to understand that every space and every moment experienced must include your partner. In a relationship based on love, everything that belongs to you belongs to both of you, and vice versa. However, it is important to avoid possessive claims. Work should not suffer; Discipline and effort should be seen as positive elements. Joy and passion are essential to the success of any project. Make sure your team is a happy group.

Take the time to take care of yourself. In the constant race to care for others, it is essential to plan your day with adequate attention to your diet, rest and exercise.


In a relationship, it is important to approach delicate topics with openness and mutual collaboration. Avoid giving your partner the impression that you are not supportive enough; This day is favorable for changing this perception. In the workplace, seek conciliation and overcome differences so that work proceeds efficiently. Don’t let disagreements over current events affect team harmony.

Control your anger and stay calm no matter what. Anger can be helpful in setting boundaries, but letting it take over is not productive. Stay calm and you will be able to deal with situations more effectively.


In love, it is essential to reveal the best of yourself and to work to contain the dark and conflicting parts. You must not transfer full control of these parts to your partner; Take responsibility for your actions. Natural resistance to novelty should not discourage you; Understanding will come with time and perseverance. Be patient and work to achieve your innovation goals.

Seek support that people you know cannot fully provide. In your future, there is a person who will be of great emotional support. Control your emotions and compulsions with the simple rule “think before you act.”


In love, it is essential to rediscover the intensity and dedication of the relationship. Your partner needs to feel the strength and care that characterized your love before. Avoid letting lack of expressiveness be interpreted as a diminishment of love.

In the workplace, you will overcome mistakes and losses, allowing you to reevaluate your approach to challenges. Singing can be an effective way to improve your mood and energy, so don’t be afraid to express yourself in this way, even if it’s in private.


Expressing your thoughts to your partner can be a challenge, but it is crucial to face this difficulty. Admit your omissions and bridge the emotional gap between you with sincere words. Speak from your heart to reestablish the connection.

Your most ambitious dreams are achievable, especially financially. Don’t be afraid of seemingly impossible ideas; analyze them carefully. Connect with water on this day to receive the necessary energies. You can swim, preferably in the sea, or simply wash your face in a glass bowl before going to bed.


It is crucial to agree with your partner on a friendship that causes jealousy and complicated situations. Put your partner first and work to end the friction this person causes. Take responsibility and act for the good of your relationship.

Ask for help as you grow and branch out, which means new obligations. Consider having an assistant or partner to whom you can delegate responsibilities. This day is a good time to start researching.

Don’t go back on habits you’ve outgrown. You are now a different, healthier, more complete person. Going back to the mistakes of the past would be a bitter defeat for you and for those who supported you on this path.


It’s crucial to learn to say “no”, even to your partner. If they make you an offer that you don’t consider very beneficial, you should confidently express your opinion and explain why it is not a good idea. Break the bad perception they have of you, demonstrate your dedication to work and highlight your achievements to establish yourself as a valuable professional.

Control and improve your eating habits, paying attention to sugar, fat and cholesterol levels. This change in your approach to eating will be the start of a healthier relationship with yourself, both physically and mentally.


Recognize and value what your partner does for you, not only financially, but emotionally as well. Your support, enthusiasm and patience are meaningful contributions. If you are looking for a good job, take responsibility and do not delegate sensitive tasks to others. Your personal effort makes the difference.

Be careful of drafts and temperature changes, as your airways tend to become fragile. Avoid getting wet and check the air conditioning thermostat. Pay attention to any coughing or irritation to take care of your respiratory health.


In the area of ​​love, the key to lasting a relationship is daily actions such as patience, listening and timely dialogue. Although they seem simple, these actions form the foundation of a successful and sustainable home. Continue to cultivate these aspects in your relationship.

When it comes to a job well done, it is important to recognize that some responsibilities cannot be delegated. Take charge to avoid errors and ensure quality work. Face any emotional absence you may be feeling and heal your emotional wounds by taking necessary steps, like making that call you’ve been avoiding.

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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