The Pisa test is coming

Alejandro Sánchez / Against the ropes / Opinion El Heraldo de MéxicoCredits: Special

Today, December 5, is a key day for education. The OECD will announce the results of the eighth edition of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) at 11 a.m. Paris time. Luis Benveniste, director of education at the World Bank, has a useful phrase to help us understand why it is useful for us to know them: “The PISA report identifies where the problem lies in being able to act. »

The results announced today are also awaited with particular interest in Mexico because of what the pandemic means from 2020. The PISA test allows countries to be compared to then evaluate which policies or programs they are implementing and which ones have obtained good results, so as not to export. but to study them and collect what can be implemented in our system based on our own context.

In Mexico, since 2021, there has been a lively debate about the possibility of withdrawing from the application of the test, but ultimately President López Obrador maintained it and instructed CENEVAL to apply it. “There is no reason not to continue (the test) as long as it is good for Mexico. “If you tell me that Mexico will continue to tolerate the production of foreign companies, I say no, but if you tell me that Mexico will continue to authorize testing to improve the quality of education, I say yes,” the president said.

Specialists recall that PISA was applied by the late INEE, from which the National Commission for the Continuous Improvement of Education (Mejoredu) was born. Some argue that the test should never have been applied by the latter body because it has all the capacity and expertise for its application.

The 2018 results revealed that in reading, Mexico occupies the penultimate position among OECD member countries with 420 points, while the highest score is Estoria with 523 points, a gap of 103 points opened, while the difference with the average of the organization countries (487) is 67 points. The same thing happens in science and mathematics, which is why the country remains in last place – just ahead of Colombia – in terms of performance among the 37 OECD countries and in the lagging places among the 79 Participating states and economies.

A specialist with whom I discussed the issue assures about the new results – it must be considered that the pandemic has caused problems in terms of academic success – that far from the media vehemence, the PISA results must be considered as a contribution which, combined with the information generated by the SEP, Mejoredu, INEGI and CONEVAL, helps us generate proposals for two fundamental objectives: a) guarantee the right to education of girls, boys, adolescents and young people of this country, and b) fulfill the commitment that this education is of excellence and under conditions of equity.

He also told me that it is legitimate to aspire to have education systems like Finland’s, but that our political, cultural or social contexts are not similar. What can be helpful is to compare ourselves historically to ourselves. How far have we come? What do we need to continue on the path to educational equity and inclusion? How has the pandemic affected us? Did this affect us more or less than the rest of the countries in similar conditions? Has our education system demonstrated resilience? What can we learn from other Latin American countries? These are the questions that are worth asking so as not to fail students.

UPPERCUT: Samuel returned to Nuevo León, but Mariana Rodríguez is not going to abandon the Citizen Movement campaigns. During the party’s national political council, where Samuel’s replacement was announced no later than January 20, Dante Delgado, one of the four new internal competitors, showed off his phosphophosphos, that is to say his orange tennis shoes . the unique communication of the wife of the royal governor, but we know that she will continue the campaign and support whoever wins the movement for the 2024 elections.



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Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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