Take the 52-week challenge and save up to 14,000 pesos, you only need 10 pesos to get started

The total amount would be 13 thousand pesos.Credits: Freepik.

As the end of the year approaches, hundreds of Mexicans are preparing to spend large sums of money for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Currently, due to inflation and the increase in prices of certain products, not everyone has the opportunity to make purchases during this season; however, there is a effective savings method which can be a alternative for those looking to raise funds before December holidaysit is a mechanism which, if followed to the letter, allows collect up to 13 thousand pesos Mexicans.

The method for saving money in just 52 weeks has been approved and tested by the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef), who shared it through its different platforms. The challenge is designed to start during the first days of the yearbut it can still be implemented in any month of the year in progress, although in these cases, the savings will be less.

How to save 13 thousand pesos in 52 weeks?

Those who decide to launch the challenge during the first week of January must deposit, in a piggy bank or container dedicated to savings, 10 Mexican pesos. Subsequently, the addition money has to go increasing by 10 every week. That is, the second week they must save 20 pesosYesthe third 30, the fourth 40 and the fifth 50, so on until week 52, where 520 pesos must be deposited in the piggy bank.

Thanks to this effective savings method, people will be able to realize total sum of 13 thousand 780 Mexican pesos. With the money saved, authorities recommend that Mexicans make some type of investment, not only to recover their savings, but to double them. An option of investments are CETES (Federation Treasury Certificates), a federal government stock market debt security which is used to raise funds over a certain period generating returns.

For their part, certain financial institutions, such as the BBVA bank, emphasize that one of the main recommendations for a person seeking to grow their savings is set monthly or weekly budgets And set goals to achievein addition to having clear savings goals and understanding that if you want to save a fixed amount per month, there must be so-called “savings weeks”, during which you avoid going out too much and buying unnecessary things.


Savings Challenge: Build Your Little Pig and Collect 45,000 Pesos in 30 Weeks, You Only Need 50 Pesos

Personal finance: 5 tips for saving to end the year debt-free

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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