Don’t like coffee? These 3 options to energize yourself might interest you

They taste amazing. Credits: Freepik.

In the incessant pace of modern life, the search for energy becomes a daily journey. For many, coffee is the faithful companion of this crusade, but not everyone enjoys its caffeinated embrace. Fortunately, The world of invigorating drinks is vast and offers interesting options for those looking for a boost without relying on the taste of coffee, Nancy Oliveira is director of nutrition and wellness at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and has donated three to Harvard Health Publishing.

The alternatives are fascinating, but as with coffee, it is essential to remember that moderation and knowledge are the ideal companions in this exploration of energy and flavor. Nancy maintains that it is best to enjoy them in their pure essence, leaving aside additives that can overshadow their natural properties, although ultimately it depends on you how to consume them.

Mate, a great option for changing coffee?

Oliveira explains that this herb, native to the fertile lands of South America, has an earthy and bitter flavor, being a carrier of antioxidant polyphenols such as chlorogenic acid and containing between 80 and 175 mg per cup, promising a day of alertness and concentration without the typical coffee jitters. However, not everything is rosy in the world of matte. Certain preparation techniques, notably smoking the leaves, may invite undesirable substances such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, linked to carcinogenic risks.

A tea that won’t make you miss coffee at all?

Yaupon, native to North American lands, offers a sweet herbaceous flavor reminiscent of green tea. Nancy says it provides chlorogenic acid and antioxidants, promising to reduce inflammation and increase energy. With 60 mg of caffeine per cup, Yaupon is flavored with theobromine, a compound that, while similar to caffeine, promises a subtler, longer-lasting energy boost. However, it can speed up your heart rate and keep you up at night if prompted too late in the day. coupled with the fact that it’s a little harder to get.

Matcha, a drink that has become fashionable

Matcha, a refined relative of green tea, provides energy and antioxidants. Its shade growing process gives it a vibrant green color and a dense load of polyphenols. Between 40 and 175 mg of caffeine per cup, matcha is a gateway to sustained energy, with theanine and catechins as its faithful squires. But Nancy advises caution, its high concentration of caffeine might be too much for some, becoming a torrent of energy that could even surpass coffee.

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Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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