Hold your breath before you know why you should never leave a glass of water on the nightstand

Glass of water on a nightstand or nightstand.Source: Freepik.es

at the time of rest at nightwe all have habits They can be similar or completely different. While some people have skincare routines or meditation exercises, others prefer to read or watch a little TV.

Among the customs that involve time to go to bed at night include the glass of water placed in the nightstand or light table. This habit is very common among most people and many justify it with the need to drink the liquid in the middle of the break.

Whether it’s necessary to have water on the nightstand, to take medicine, or just to hydrate your throat if it gets dry, it’s as true that may lead to hygienic risks or inconveniences. For this reason, having a glass of this vital liquid next to the bed would not be entirely recommended.

Why avoid leaving a glass of water on the bedside table?

Although sleep disruptions during the hot months are more common and sometimes there may be a greater desire to drink water at night, it is unsanitary to leave a glass with this liquid on the bedside table.

  • leave this container without top cover and lid, this will make the insects attractive for the possibility of approaching the water. This could cause the visits of flies and mosquitoes at night.
  • Something similar happens with the dust and dirt which may be suspended in the environment. These particles fall into the glass and you can then drink the foul-tasting liquid.

Replaces the glass of water on the bedside table

In order not to fall into these lacks of hygiene and health, it is preferable that you choose to have a bottle next to your bed. 500 ml or a canteen to keep the water cool. Both options are hermetic and preserve the flavor of the liquid.

But it is very important that whatever object you choose to replace the glass, you take care to always keep it clean and disinfected. In addition, if choosing a bottle, glass ones will not transfer chemicals to the drink. Something that happens with plastic ones when they get hot.

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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