VIDEO: They aim a laser at a UFO in mid-flight and the reaction is shocking

In Chili reported a observation of an unidentified flying object (UFO) which was documented by two witnesses who also decided verify authenticity of this ship that was floating by aiming it straight through a laser beam high power to signal it. The result of the action left a shocking reaction that went viral on social media.

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The person responsible for recording the clip was a engineering student in risk prevention who through his TikTok account showed the video which he described as ” interaction with an unidentified flying object (UFO)”, which he potentiated with another sentence loaded with hashtags:

“Interacting with a #UFO in the foothills of #santiago #chile”

The young university student was in the company of another person who succumbed to the curiosity and to to fear know what this glowing circle that was captured in Santiago de Chile the night of March 29.

In order to document on video if anything out of the ordinary happened with the UFO, the men began recording the object. “I’m already recording” one of the people is heard saying while another went to get a laser and turned it on to point it directly at the ship he had spherical shape and had a white and bright.

What happened when the laser hit the UFO?

Witnesses, still uncertain whether the laser could reach the sky at the distance the Unidentified Flying Object was hovering, began to “hit” the ship with the green light laser until they finally manage to hit it. “Ooohhhh” The two men exclaimed between nervous laughter as they couldn’t believe what happened after the light showed the UFO.

Just as the laser light was pointing at the UFO, a reflection occurred which sent the flash back directly in the direction of the group of men, who were shocked at the result of their “experiment” because their doubt was resolved as to whether it was possible for the laser to successfully target the flying object. One of the witnesses tried to explain what they had just seen:

“It must be a big piece of metal or a mirror, I don’t know, because for it to bounce like that, it’s not a flashlight.”

The video has more than 640,000 reproductions. Considering this, the young engineering student promised to upload more content to his TikTok account about UFO sightings which he assured happen very often in his community.

“At the request of several subscribers, I will be posting more sightings than I have in the area where I live. Yesterday I recorded this line that formed in the sky at sunset. This could be a plane, a meteor or a UFO, what do you think?

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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