The Earth’s core has shut down, what does this mean and how will it affect us?

Directly, the environment would be the most affected by the drastic change.Credits: Adobe Stock

A new to study out of hundreds of earthquake showed the importance of basic twist of the To land and how it directly affects us. The researchers concluded that it has stopped its course, turns to less speed and this could negatively influence the different branches of the surface of the planet, as weather, sea level and even the length of days. We know there are still people who believe in a flat Earth, however, Science proved that our planet is a kind of matryoshka – also known as stacking dolls. This means that we are a giant onion made up of layers different elements until our center.

The importance of the Earth’s core and each of its layers

Let’s start with the basics, the core and each of the layers that make up the Earth, They are in continuous interaction. This generates the different geological events that we know, such as: the formation of mountains, earthquakes Yes volcanic eruptions. In the case of the center of our star, the core must be in constant rotational motion, it is estimated that the large mass of iron is greater than 5 thousand kilometers deep in the earth’s crust. This is responsible for generating magnetism of our star by acting as a huge dynamo — electric generator for the transformation of magnetic flux in electricity Through the Freak of the electromagnetic induction, generating direct current.

At some point, the Earth’s core stopped

The study of our nucleus is essential. We know that Science it takes hundreds of years investigate its nature. The earth’s crust is a layer barely 40 kilometers thick where the aforementioned natural phenomena occur. Thanks to new advances, each time we know better the dynamics that occur in the iinterior of the Earth. And it is that, according to of them leading specialists in Institute of Theoretical and Applied Geophysics of the Peking University, in China, Yi Yang and Xiaodong Song, at the rotation speed of the earth core would have slowed down during the last years and, moreover, he would have started to turn in the opposite direction, to the west. This according to its publication in Nature Geoscience.

Their study on the behavior of the Earth’s core surprised the scientific community, since to reach these conclusions, the researchers analyzed the seismic waves produced by almost 200 earthquakes in two points very far from our planet, which are: Alaska —near the North Pole— and the South Sandwich Islands —near Antarctica— With this, the measurement of the speed of the displacement of the waves through the layers It allows us to know what is happening inside our celestial body. Like the reduction in speed that came from the 70’s, which suggests that it is a cyclic pattern.

“The data suggests that the inner core may even be going back into under-rotation. If so, it’s likely that something is going on with the magnetic and gravitational forces that cause the inner core to spin. Such changes could link the inner core with larger geophysical phenomena, such as increases or decreases in the length of a day on Earth,” the specialists pointed out in the publication.

These observations thus prove that there are dynamic interactions between the different layers of the Earth which go from the interior – in particular in the deepest part – to the surface. This is perhaps due to gravity coupling associated to swap of angular momentum of the nucleus which as such are those which affect the mantle and the surface.

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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