“Let’s celebrate vigilance, the main tool in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases”

IAlmost three years ago, an outbreak of respiratory infections caused by a virus, SARS-CoV-2, emerged in China’s Hubei province before spreading rapidly and causing a pandemic or more specifically a syndrome combining exacerbating diseases and biological and environmental factors: aging and loss of autonomy, chronic Diseases, obesity, failing health systems, and social and racial disparities account for much of the mortality and seriousness associated with this Covid-19 infection. 19.

However, tremendous diagnostic and therapeutic medical progress has been made since the post-war period. On the contrary, our lifestyles seem to have created a bed of chronic diseases that are literally overwhelming our health care system and bankrupting it financially. Physical inactivity, pollution, anxiety and depression, addiction to tobacco, alcohol, sugar, ultra-processed foods and now screens are clearly at the root of our cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, as well as respiratory diseases and cancer.

Very low effort motivation

Raising awareness and persuading our citizens to give up this harmful lifestyle is a huge if not impossible task for the medical profession to be so toxic and at the same time allowed, even authorized, by our governments, big retail lobbies. and Food, automotive and petrochemical industries. In terms of vigilance, eco-friendly fiber can be a common thread to prevent and reduce the incidence of these myriad diseases. A few examples can be offered on Thursday, September 29, to mark World Cardiovascular Disease Day.

Maximizing the use of stairs rather than escalators or elevators, walking or cycling in preference to increasingly heavy and powerful cars, scooters or e-bikes is inherently environmentally responsible and good for the cardiovascular system.Homo sapiens. When the distance between home and work is less than 1 km, 42% of people unfortunately drive to get there; 56% when the distance is from 1 to 2 km; 63% from 2 to 3 km. These proportions testify to a very weak motivation for effort, which is allowed by abundant and insufficiently expensive energy. Reduced suppression time (“sitting disease”) on the sofa, too often in front of screens and, worse, eating, is the primary goal in the fight against the obesity and diabetes pandemic, which has been raging for several decades and causes several million deaths every year.

Source: Le Monde

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