This security camera will protect your home in a different way: with paintballs

The security camera has become a simple feature to allow its owners to sleep more peacefully at night, but it does not effectively prevent an invasion. What if the device decided to change the situation and began to protect you with its own hands?

This is what a Slovenian startup proposes: a camera that uses facial recognition, artificial intelligence and paintball balls to prevent strangers from approaching a house. In more extreme cases, if there is not enough paint, tear gas can be used.

Security camera or paintball gun?

The answer is: both.

Called PaintCam Eve, the device is a simple outdoor home security camera. Inside, it comes with facial recognition, target marking, and artificial intelligence for decision making, not to mention a paintball and tear gas launcher.

See how it works:

How (and when) to use it

The company behind the radical security camera promises remote access to the device via an app. In other words, if you’re away from home and want extra protection, it works. It continues to function “autonomously” even if the Internet connection is lost.

However, for those who are aware of the application, you can check out the lenses. When a known person enters the camera’s field of view together with an unknown person, the owner can choose to warn the stranger to move away or prevent any action.

Additionally, some versions of the security camera also serve to identify animals (either as known or as potential targets).

When will the security camera be released?

Of course, the project has its caveats (e.g., what would happen to a courier?) and it’s not an official product yet.

For now PaintCam Eve is in a crowdfunding campaign Kickstarter until April 23rd. The price has not yet been specified.

Meanwhile, the company has already made some demonstrations of how it works:

The post This Security Camera Will Protect Your Home in a Different Way: With Paintball Balls appeared first on Olhar Digital.

Source: Olhar Digital

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