After Hurricane Kay, how many more will there be in 2022?

Activity continues in the Pacific Ocean before the arrival of the Hurricane Kayjust the second of the hurricane season 2022 which began last June. Although there are irregular movements on the Mexican coast, several of these phenomena are still expected during the rest of September, as well as during the months of October and November. we tell you how many more will there be in the year after Kay.

The National Weather System (NMS) of Conagua and the National Hurricane Center of the United States have agreed on the number of systems and phenomena that there will be this year. The two that have been presented so far (Agatha and Kay) have not been very dangerous, because they have skirted the coasts of the country in parallel, and not directly, touching land. Even so, they left a few dead, which do not exceed 10, in their passage through the states of the republic.

Hurricane Kay: How many hurricanes are there in 2022?

According to information released by the SMN a few months ago, in a forecast it released in mid-May for the 2022 hurricane season which started on June 1, it assured that around 40 tropical phenomena were expected. during this year both in the Pacific and in the Atlantic, taking into account the waves, storms, cyclones and hurricanes.

Strictly for those forming in the Pacific, 4-5 Category 1 and 2 hurricanes were expected, in addition to 2-4 above Category 3 for this season. So far this year, two such hurricanes have reached the Mexican coast. The first of these was Agatha, which affected southeastern Mexico, particularly Oaxaca; the second is Kay, who continues to wreak havoc in the west, killing at least three in Guerrero and advancing towards Baja California Sur. It is contemplated that we ceased to affect next Sunday the 11th.

In the case of the Atlantic, where the increase in activity this year has even been commented on, with approximately between 16 and 21 systems in total, between four and six Category 1 and 2 hurricanes are expected, while the categories 3 and more are expected from 2 to 4. At the moment there have been no hurricanes in this ocean, but it is expected to be in the middle or end of September, but especially in October and November when these phenomena are present, including some out of season, in the month of December. , as a latent possibility.

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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