These are the worst signings in NBA history

Several players have blown their contracts, after getting injured or losing their rhythm on the court.

Throughout its history, the NBA he’s had signings that have been complete failures, so there’s a list of several players who have failed at his new team.

Bryant Reeves

It was one of the worst contracts signed in the American championship.

In 1997, Bryant Reeves he was signed by the Memphis Grizzlies, despite the fact that in his final season he had been in terrible physical condition.

Despite everything, the team offers him a six-year contract, for an amount close to 62 million dollars.

However, Bryant had several indisciplines, but being overweight was the one that cost him the most.

And it is that when he returned to the team, after the holidays, Reeves arrived with 142 kilos, since he said that in his hometown there was no gym.

For 2001 they terminated the contract to him, when presenting/displaying a malaise in the back retired that it.

Allan Houston

In the decade of the 90s, Allan Houston He was one of the most important players for the New York Knicks.

His talent led the New York team to the conference semi-finals in 1999. Moreover, he was a fundamental piece in reaching the final.

In 2001, Allan turned 30, but the franchise offered him an unimaginable six-year contract.

The first two seasons were good, but not at the level you would expect for a player with his salary.

When the third year was about to end, Houston got injured, so he couldn’t play a single game.

Since his case, the NBA has created a clause known as the “Allan Houston Rule”, with which teams can get rid of a very high contract for an element that plays a few minutes.

Source: Publimetro

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