Savings Challenge 2023: Collect 27,000 pesos in just 30 weeks and pay your debts

Save money with this functional weekly method and manage to create a solid financial fund at the end of this year.Credits: Special

We have already started the eighth month of this year 2023 and if you have not yet been able to achieve one of your main objectives for this year, the savings challenge, we suggest that you get to work and decide to start, from this first week, with andThe method called “The 30-week challenge”saving you up to 27,000 pesos in just 30 weeks.

The beauty of this type of challenge is that if you make it a habit, you can make this method your best financial ally that will help you maintain a constant savings account, so you can use it as you please. any time. necessary. Remember that, like any challenge or goal you set for yourself, This savings goal will require perseverance, discipline and also patience.your goal must therefore remain fixed at all times.

Improve your personal finances with this savings challenge

This kind of financial goals or challenges They can mean for many a key point to improve your personal finances or to obtain greater solvency of your savings, because in addition to giving you the security of having a fund that you can have at any time, you can cope with unforeseen expenses that they can show up.

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To build your piggy bank, you must have a savings strategy that you will apply every week, so you must designate a fixed part of your salary every seven days and allocate it for this purpose. This challenge will get you into the habit of saving and your perseverance will facilitate this process.

How to save 27 thousand pesos in 30 weeks?

With this effective challenge, you will be able to save up to 27,000 Mexican pesos in just 30 weeks. The method you will use to reach your goal works like a payment system from which you will gradually improve the initial amount. it will strengthen your savings fund so that in the end it is much easier to achieve the desired goal.

First, you will start with an initial payment of 500 pesos and from there, you will continue to consolidate the habit of saving with. weekly increments, it’s about pacing the process and also getting a taste of the “30 Week Challenge”. As a guide, you should be guided by the table above which shows how much you will contribute to the fund on a weekly basis. It is important to follow the letter the objectives set in order to achieve the set objective.

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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