Social pension: until when can I withdraw my new card?

They have extended the delivery time for the new welfare card.Credits: Darkroom

There wellness card he went substitution THE plastics of the banks where the elderly receive the payment of fortnightly pension granted by the federal government. Since the last months of 2022, it has been announced that all beneficiaries who received the deposit on a card issued by another bank should process the change with the federal bank.

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In such a way that the program for people over 65 of age – whether or not they receive another retirement pension from their work – would be managed by the Wellness bank Therefore, the process of generating the new plastic is carried out with time limit that they left put out.

The last date announced as the deadline for processing and withdrawing cards was last April 30; however, the government of the Republic has just extended the deadline for people who have not yet been able to make the change. In this regard, the Head of the Welfare Secretariat, Ariadna Montiel Reyesgive him new deadline to complete the process.

What do I need to get the Wellness Card?

At the time, Ariadna Montiel advised that recipients of the pension program should check the date when they can complete their card change process through the federal government page at: 8082/BANCARIZACION.welfare/.

Once inside the Ministry of Welfare web portal, seniors should only have their Unique population register code (CURP) which must be entered. By providing the data, the page will display the location as well as the date and time retirees should go to process and collect their new plastic.

It should be noted that older people they do not have to hand over their old bank card with which they received the payment of the pension, because although they will no longer receive the fortnightly installment, can still work for them to do something else. The documentation to be presented when picking up the new Wellness card is as follows:

  1. Current official identity document (INE, passport, primer, INAPAM or identity card).
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. CURP (recent printing).
  4. Proof of address (not older than three months).
  5. Contact phone number (home or cell).

The deadline for making the Wellness card change is next May 31, 2023. However, until that date, the payment deposit will continue to fall on the current bank card that the elderly have.

The process applies across the country. except in the states of Coahuila and in the State of Mexico since they have a door electoral process to elect governor. In the event that the elderly person cannot pick up their new card, the people helping them should request an appointment for a home visit where the officials will check and personally deliver the plastic to the beneficiary.

Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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