In the United States, the victory of the first union in the Apple Store

Apple Store on 5th Avenue in New York City, USA, September 2020.

After Amazon and Starbucks, Apple’s turn to agree to form a union in one of its branches in the US. For the first tech giant to ever try to thwart unification efforts. In Towson, Maryland, 65 of the 110 employees of the Apple Store voted against, 33 against, on June 18, the federal agency, which was broadcast live by the federal agency responsible for voting.

A group of employees called AppleCORE (Apple Retail Employees Coalition) launched a trade union campaign. They are demanding a vote on salaries, hours and security measures. Saturday’s result means that store workers who have been called to vote since Wednesday will have to set up their own branch of the IAM Union after the agency confirms the results.

Deirdre O’Brien, Apple’s director of distribution and human resources, visited the store in May to address staff. “You have the right to join the union, but you also have the right not to join the union”He told them, according to an audio excerpt transmitted by the site ცეcy. He assured that the existence of an intermediary will complicate the relationship between Apple and its employees. The Californian group contacted by Agence France Presse declined to comment.

Growing trade union

This was not the first Apple Store to try to merge, but it was the first attempt to get a vote. Over several decades of decline, trade unions have won several symbolic victories in the United States in recent months, starting with the apparent support of Joe Biden.

The creation of the first union at Starbucks Coffee, which is directly managed by the network in the United States in December, sparked enthusiasm, with employees, often young and educated, mobilized in NGOs, universities, museums, and the media.

New York warehouse workers at Amazon made a surprise move in early April by a majority vote in favor of forming a union, the first in the United States for the group. But the company demanded the cancellation of this result and the organization of a second ballot.

Author: With the world AFP

Source: Le Monde

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