Did Waze fail the path? Find out how to calibrate the GPS of the app

While it is very useful to report unknown routes, Waze fails on occasion, leaving drivers lost on their journeys. This is often due to GPS navigation, especially if it is not up to date.

To solve this problem, you need to calibrate the position compass by updating the information on your smartphone. Therefore, only with properly calibrated GPS is it possible to follow the desired route correctly. See how to do it!

Step by step to calibrate the GPS

Update the app on your smartphone

Although the developer always updates the application, it is often necessary to perform this procedure manually. In this case, go to your smartphone settings and search for Location.

Then turn on Google location accuracy. In this way, Waze will be updated and can improve the quality of the routes needed for your travel. This is an action that must be repeated every 15 days.

Calibrate your compass

Another way to keep your routes up to date is through the Waze compass calibration. Open the app and activate your smartphone’s GPS. Click explore on Google Maps and tap the blue icon, a symbol that identifies your location.

The next step is to click on the “Calibrate Compass” option.

When entering the option, you need to follow the movement required by the application. Then move the device three times towards the infinity symbol. Then tap “Done” and check if the accuracy issues are resolved.

Ready! The GPS function will be updated, improving the quality of the routes, including fewer falls along the routes.

Did Waze’s post fall short? Find out how to calibrate the GPS of the app that first appeared on Digital Look.

Source: Olhar Digital

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