Tag: elongated corridos

VIDEO | This is how Emmanuel expressed himself on the lying corridos, he surprised everyone with his words

VIDEO | This is how Emmanuel expressed himself on the lying corridos, he surprised everyone with his words

Immanuel He is considered one of the icons of pop music, because with more than four decades of artistic career, his successes continue to be valid with fans of the past and new generations that he has also managed to conquer with songs such as “La chica de humo”, “Everything fell apart”, “Corazón de melao”, […]

Regional Mexican with Chilango ingenuity: it’s Danny Padilla, the young artist who bets on the words of the heart

Regional Mexican with Chilango ingenuity: it’s Danny Padilla, the young artist who bets on the words of the heart

Danny Padilla started in music since his teenage years.Credits: Photo: Ágora Records One of the genres that generates a greater sense of belonging is undoubtedly that of regional music, an artistic expression that functions as a reflection of the identity and traditions of Mexicans. This is precisely the area of ​​creation of Daniel López Padilla, […]

Farewell featherweight: a new Mexican talent of lying corridos takes his place

Farewell featherweight: a new Mexican talent of lying corridos takes his place

He seeks to lead within the guild of lying corridos. IG PHOTO: Michelle Maciel The famous singer of elongated corridos of the moment is Hassan Emilio Kabande Laijabetter known within the artistic guild as Featherweight or “double P”, managed to captivate the whole world with his hits such as “AMG”, “PRC” and “Ella baila sola”; […]

Long corridors: what is the level of education of the top stars of the new musical genre?

Long corridors: what is the level of education of the top stars of the new musical genre?

These young talents succeeded in revolutionizing the music industry in Mexico. Credits: Special In recent months, the popularity of the musical genre known as “corridos tumbados” has grown exponentially and, as a result, the interest in the privacy of its greatest exponents has increased and one of the most recurring doubts among fans of this […]

Featherweight: the high amount of money he paid to study, before doing elongated corridos

Featherweight: the high amount of money he paid to study, before doing elongated corridos

IG PHOTO/featherweight The famous singer of elongated corridos of the moment is Hassan Emilio Kabande Laijabetter known within the artistic union as the featherweight or “double p”, who managed to captivate the world with his successes as “AMG”, “PRC” and “She dances alone”. The young man who started his international fame in 2022 was born […]

Farewell to narcocorridos in public transport: this initiative aims to ban them in the CDMX

Farewell to narcocorridos in public transport: this initiative aims to ban them in the CDMX

They also ask that the music not be heard at such a high volume.Credits: Special Music has become a fundamental key for many people in the Mexico City, which can accompany them on the way to work, to school or with friends; However, society tends to listen to what is trendy and just in this […]

‘Most Wanted’: Has Natanael Cano been arrested? Share a photo with the police and unleash rumors

‘Most Wanted’: Has Natanael Cano been arrested? Share a photo with the police and unleash rumors

The singer was placed in the eye of the hurricane. Credits: Instagram/@natanael_cano During this week, ancestor of the elongated corrido movement, Nathanael Cano It became a topic of conversation in the entertainment world after it emerged that he had been the victim of an armed attack during his visit to Cancun in Quintana Roo, a […]

“To collect what I charge, they need a balance sheet”: Natanael Cano writes a controversial message on the networks

“To collect what I charge, they need a balance sheet”: Natanael Cano writes a controversial message on the networks

The singer sent a message on social networks. Credits: Nathanael Cano/Instagram It’s no secret that Nathanael Cano He established himself as one of the great exponents of the regional Mexican genre thanks to the success he achieved with songs like “AMG”, “Porte Exuberante” and “Que me importa”, which have thousands of views on music apps. […]