Results of the 2022 Legislative Elections: Increased turnout in the second round in Antilles and Guyana, majority failure.

Voter from Fort de France, Martinique, for the second round of legislative elections, Saturday, June 18, 2022.

Voters in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Saint-Barthelemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-e-Micheline, Polynesia and France voted for the second round of legislative elections on Saturday, June 18, one day ahead. Because of the time difference.

Fifteen parliamentary seats abroad were at stake: four in Guadeloupe, four in Martinique, two in Guyana, one constituency for Saint-Barthelemy and Saint-Martin, one for Saint-Pierre-e-Micheline, and three. Polynesia.

In Guadeloupe, the fall of Justin Benin

In Guadeloupe, the Secretary of State in charge of maritime affairs, Justin Benin, was beaten by a left-wing candidate, Christian Baptist. He was first in the first round with 31.31% of the vote in the second roundE Election district. That was not enough. He received only 41.35% of the vote against 58.65% of the opponent and will therefore have to resign from the government.

In 1D Constituency, Former MP Olivier Serva (various left) re-elected. He was well ahead, with 43.44% of the vote, ahead of the other left-wing candidate, Dominic Biras, who won 15.02% of the vote in the first round.

In 3E The district’s national rally candidate, Roddy Tolas, made a surprise appearance in this first round with 20.09% of the vote. But he did not pass the second round course against the last MP, Max Matthiasin (dissident MoDem).

In 4E Electoral district, Socialist candidate and mayor of Saint-Claude Commune, Eli Califer, received 38.61% of the vote. He is ahead of Nicolas Sarkozy’s former foreign minister, Marie-Luc Penschard (Guadeloupe united, responsible and united-together!), Who received 19.88% of the vote. The latter withdrew his candidacy and therefore Mr. Califer was re-elected.

The participation rate in Guadeloupe is 28.23% compared to 2017 (30.65%), the prefecture said.

Misses the return of Alfred Marie-Jeanne to Martinique

The only outgoing MP to re-vote, Jean-Philippe Nilor (Democratic and Republican Left), was put to the vote in the 4th round.E Electoral district of Alfred Marie-Jean, 85, former president of the local government, his former mentor. He won the duel with 76.39% against 23.61%.

In 1D In the constituency, the candidate without a label, Giovanni William (63.30%), won with regionalist Philip Edmond-Mariet. In 2E, Two regionalist candidates confronted each other. It’s Marceline Nado with 71.29% of the vote against Justin Pamfil.

And finally, in 3E In the constituency, a variety of left-wing candidates Johnny Hajar (58.74%) were elected against Francis Carroll.

At 17:00 the activity was estimated at 20.10%, according to the prefecture compared to 2017 (22.27%), but compared to the first round (15.10%).

Outgoing LRM MP Lenaik Adam was beaten in Guyana

Last La République en Marche (LRM) MP Lenaike Adam (45.88%) was defeated by candidate Dave Riemann (54.12%), who was supported by La France insoumise (LFI).E Election district. “We are considering our defeat”Said Mr. Adam France-Guyana. Participation (33.58%) is higher than in the first round (26.08%).

In 1D The constituency of Jean-Victor Castor (56.53%), a member of the Independent Movement Decolonization and Social Emancipation (MDES), backed by the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), declared victory over Ivan Gua (43.47%), the spokesperson. Two associations committed against insecurity and structural disruptions in the area, the leader of the anti-vaccine and containment movement at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Participation is also high compared to the first round (29.92%) (27.27%).

LRM candidate suddenly elected in Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthelemy

Presidential candidate Franz Gumbs won 47.09% of the vote in the first round. He unexpectedly defeated the right-wing candidate, Daniel Gibbs, in second place. Outgoing MP Les Républicains, Claire Gion-Firmin, was eliminated in the first round.

In Saint-Pierre-e-Michelon, victory by 19 votes from various right-wing candidates

Although La République en Marche MP Stephen Claire did not represent himself, the second round tomorrow saw Jean-Luc’s various right-wing candidates in the local archipelago movement, Olivier Gaston, close to La France Insoumise. Melenchon. The first received 50.36% of the vote. The turnout reached 55.95%, better than in the first round (53.45%), but almost twenty points lower than in 2017.

Author: ყThe world

Source: Le Monde

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