Map of the January 31 protests against the pension reform

Many demonstrations are planned in France for a new day of strikes against the pension reform. Our map is updated based on the count reported by various sources: trade unions, the Home Office and the local press.

`; // compare with last protest data Prev = dataset.find(d => d.City == datum.City); } if (datum.participants_unions != ” && datum.participants_unions != null) { content += `

${thousands(+datum.participants_syndicats)} by participating syndicates `; if (datum.source_syndicates != ” && datum.source_syndicates != null) content += ` (${datum.source_syndicates})`; happy += `

`; } if (datum.participants_police != ” && datum.participants_police != null) { content += `

${thousands(+datum.participants_police)} by participating font

`; } if (datum.participants_presse != ” && datum.participants_presse != null) { content += `

${thousands(+datum.participants_presse)} according to participating press`; if (datum.source_presse != ” && datum.source_presse != null) content += ` (${datum.source_presse})`; happy += `

`; } if (datum.description_libre != ” && datum.description_libre != null) { content += `


`; } if (dataPrev != undefined && dataPrev != ” && (dataPrev.participants_police != null || dataPrev.participants_presse != null || dataPrev.description_libre != null)) { content += `

Thursday, January 19:

`; if (dataPrev.participants_unions != ” && dataPrev.participants_unions != null) { content += `

${thousands(+dataPrev.participants_syndicats)} by participating syndicates `; if (dataPrev.source_syndicates != ” && dataPrev.source_syndicates != null) content += ` (${dataPrev.source_syndicates})`; happy += `

`; } if (dataPrev.participants_police != ” && dataPrev.participants_police != null) { content += `

${thousands(+dataPrev.participants_police)} by participating font

`; } if (dataPrev.participants_presse != ” && dataPrev.participants_presse != null) { content += `

${thousands(+dataPrev.participants_presse)} by participant press`; if (dataPrev.source_presse != ” && dataPrev.source_presse != null) content += ` (${dataPrev.source_presse})`; happy += `

`; } if (datum.description_libre != ” && datum.description_libre != null) { content += `


`; } }“.d_tooltipcontent_carto_manif_retraites_31”).html(`


`); if (!isMobile) {“transform”, `translate(` + `calc(${x > 200 ? ‘-50%’ : ‘10%’} + ${x}px),` + ` calc(-110% + ${y}px)` +`)`); }‘display’, ‘block’).style(‘opacity’, 1); } function onMouseLeave(event, datum) {‘display’, ‘none’).style(‘opacity’, 0); } pins.selectAll(“circle”).on(“mouse move”, onMouseEnter).on(“mouseleave”, onMouseLeave); // Force hide tooltip in ios if (isMobile) { document.querySelector(“.d_tooltip_carto_manif_retraites_31”).onclick = () => { onMouseLeave(); } } // Draw the legend document.querySelector(“.d_legend_carto_manif_retraites_31”).innerHTML = `

Filter the map by source:

`; // Watch for category events document.querySelectorAll(“input[class=”carto_retraite_categ”]”).forEach(box => { box.onchange = () => { if (categs.length === 1 && box.checked === false) { box.checked = true; return; } if (categs.length === 1 && box.checked === false) include(box.value)) categs = categs.filter(e => e !== box.value); else categs.push(box.value); updateCircles(categs); } }); } drawMap();

Source: Le Monde

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