Six self-love tips at home

Take advantage of those lonely days to pamper yourself and take a break from the routine

It’s so important to have a space where we can do little things that relax us and we can have a moment of solitude just to pamper ourselves.

I leave you with six tips for self-love at home that you can use at least once a week. The main thing is to disconnect everything from us!

1. Apply for beauty procedures

It’s the perfect time to put on a face mask, lie on the sofa and relax. Or take that hair cream bath that we put off due to lack of time. Or do facial cleansing with peeling, which is recommended once a week to keep our face flawless. The idea is to play nice music and take time for yourself.

Use beauty treatments at home
Use beauty treatments at home

2. Let’s prepare our favorite dish

Cooking is like therapy when we disconnect from everything just to devote ourselves to combining ingredients and cooking our favorite dish, but in this case only to take care of ourselves.

Let's prepare our favorite dish
Let’s prepare our favorite dish

3. Delicious salt bath

There is nothing more relaxing than a salt bath in our bathroom. Buy aromatic salts, place candles, you can read your favorite book or drink a glass of sparkling wine and immerse yourself in warm water.

If you don’t have a bathroom, you can go to a spa or decorate the bathroom with candles and aromatic oils and take a warm shower.

Take a bath with aromatic salts
Take a bath with aromatic salts

4. Watch your favorite movie or marathon series

We all have that favorite movie that we watch over and over and love because it stirs our emotions every time. Or why not put on that series you’ve been wanting to watch and marathon it with some delicious chocolate.

Watch your favorite movie
Watch your favorite movie

5. Practice one of your favorite hobbies

From painting, singing, dancing, or doing an activity that we are passionate about that makes us forget the world for a little while, it’s a great way to take time for yourself.

Practice a hobby
Practice a hobby

6. Do meditation or read a book

Meditate with aromatherapy and oils, or read an inspirational book to unwind for the week.

Meditate or read an inspiring book
Meditate or read an inspiring book

Source: Losandes

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