Merger Vitale ID card: Health insurance has ‘very strong reservations’

Health insurance provided “Very strong reservations” The government’s plan to merge the ID card with the Vitale card, particularly given that it will have a minimal effect in the fight against fraud, an official report 1 said on Thursday.Eh June.

The delegate of the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriele Atal, on Monday published a broad plan to combat social fraud, including, in particular, a project to combine the National ID card with the Vitale card. The government should start the pre-configuration mission by the beginning of July in order to “Work on legal and technical implementation” of this merger.

But a letter dated April 3 of the health insurance included in the report published on Thursday by the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) and the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) shows that it is not favorable to the project, it is believed that it is. He doesn’t seem to get it “no need”.

there “The added value in the fight against fraud remains to be fully identified”after that “The amount of fraud likely to be associated with fraudulent use of the Vitale card is minimal”Cnam General Director Thomas Fatomi writes in this letter.

In addition, the project could “weakening” Deploying the Vitale card app on smartphones, which could replace the small green card for applicants, he believes.

Three-quarters of benefit fraud attributed to professionals

The IGAS/IGF report itself takes a more positive view, especially given that the merger may be resolved “recurring difficulties” on the attachment of young children and recommends a detailed study of the technical feasibility and feasibility of the project.

The combination of the Vitale card and ID will make it possible to specifically combat identity fraud when one person uses another’s card. But this is identity fraud “Remaining in the number of identified cases (…) and climb up”Recalls the IGAS/IGF report.

In fact, three-quarters of health insurance benefit fraud is committed by professionals. The rest of the quarter really belongs to consumers, but the two most important elements – fraud in daily allowances (sick leave) and fraud in additional health insurance – do not apply to the Vitale card. The Court of Auditors estimates the annual amount of health insurance fraud “From 3.5 to 4.6 billion euros”.

Author: The world with AFP

Source: Le Monde

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