In Mexico, you work more and produce less

Mexicans are the employees with longer working hours and lower economic remuneration: HR factorCredits: Darkroom

With 2,128 hours worked on average per year, Mexicans are among the hardest working employees, however, they are also the least productive when registering for the lowest level of GDP per hour workedaccording to Factor RH.

The labor and human capital consulting firm, led by Estrella Vázquez, general manager, explained that, according to data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) The average for member countries is 1,730 hours worked per year, or 398 hours less than in Mexico.

But if we compare this country to Ireland, the gap widens further, since 1,349 hours are worked there, ie 779 hours less.
The analysis carried out by Vázquez, emerges from the reform at the Labor lawmediante la cual se aprobó el incremento en el goce de vacaciones de seis a 12 días, pues considered que tener más vacaciones es una positiva decisión “es sólo un paso en el largo camino por recorrer para contribuir a jorarar la conditions laborales y de productividad au Mexico”.

He reiterated that even with more hours worked, “that extra time doesn’t translate into more production or goal achievement, since data from OECD reveal that we are the country with the lowest level of productivity with 19.85 hours, measured by GDP per hour worked”.

Estrella Vázquez indicated that there is a series of actions to be implemented to achieve well-being and labor productivity within organizations, among which having leaders in companies who know, understand and take care of their team, “that the responsible person generates an environment of commitment and achievement of goals, which essentially defines productivity”.


Source: El Heraldo De Mexico

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